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Advanced Night Time, Time Released Amino Acid, Growth & Repair Formula

Increases GH Release*
Promotes Muscle Recovery*
Promotes Deep Sleep*
Supports Adrenal Cleansing*
Supports Mental Rejuvenation*

Amino PM - 2 srv - Pineapple Mango - 3 Sample Pack

  • EAA & Uptake Elements

    • L-Lysine – is an EAA.  May help support muscle growth, help reduce symptoms associated with angina, act as an anti-inflammatory, and help reduce stress and anxiety.

    • L-Valine – is an EAA and one of the BCAAs, and  is needed for muscle metabolism and coordination, tissue repair, and for the maintenance of proper nitrogen balance in the body. It is used as an energy source by muscle tissue. It has been used to treat liver and gallbladder disease. It promotes mental vigor and can calm emotions.

    • L-Threonine - is an essential amino acid that promotes normal growth by helping to maintain the proper protein balance in the body. Threonine also supports cardiovascular, liver, central nervous, and immune system function.

    • L-Phenylalanine - L-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid, and serves as a building block for the various proteins that are produced in the body. LPA can be converted to L-tyrosine (another amino acid) and subsequently to L-dopa, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. LPA can also be converted (through a separate pathway) to phenylethylamine, a substance that occurs naturally in the brain and appears to elevate mood.

    • L-Histidine - is an essential amino acid, which converts to histamine, a powerful blood vessel dilator, involved in gastric acid secretions and neurotransmission in the central nervous systems.  L-Histidine is needed for growth and for the repair of tissue, as well as the maintenance of the myelin sheaths that act as protector for nerve cells. It is known to help protect the body from damage caused by radiation and also helps in removing heavy metals from the body. L-histidine is also required by the body to regulate and utilize essential trace minerals such as copper, zinc, iron, manganese and molybdenum. L-Isoleucine - is one of the proteinogenic amino acids that aids in the production of protein. It is a branched chain amino acid (BCAA) that is classified as a hydrophobic amino acid. One of its main benefits is increased strength and rapid muscle repair when combined with other amino acids

    • L-Isoleucine - is one of the proteinogenic amino acids that aids in the production of protein. It is a branched chain amino acid (BCAA) that is classified as a hydrophobic amino acid. One of its main benefits is increased strength and rapid muscle repair when combined with other amino acids

    • Bioperine® - Studies indicate that it promotes nutrient absorption. This is due to BioPerine®'s interaction with the surface of the intestinal tract. BioPerine® is non-irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the ingredients that it has been shown to uptake are lysine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine, valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, and methionine, calcium, iron, zinc, vanadium, selenium, chromium, iodine, potassium, manganese, and cooper.

    GH Support & REM Elements

    • GABA - Gamma-Amino Butryic Acid is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter that helps nerve impulses communicate. GABA supports the nervous system as well as natural hormone production. GABA has been linked to supporting stable mood, relaxation and restful sleep. It may also help support the production of hormones that can build lean muscle and metabolize fat

    • L-Arginine HCL - This amino acid studies show that when taken before bed it can help to increase the amount of natural GH produced while asleep. It works by inhibiting a hormone that normally blunts the release of GH thus allowing the body to produce more.

    • L-Ornithine HCL -  This amino acid has also been linked to increased natural GH release during sleep and has typically been paired with Arginine for even greater effects of GH levels. L-Ornithine also has an ant fatigue effect in increasing the efficiency of energy consumption and promoting the excretion of ammonia.

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