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Our primary goal in developing BCAA XR was to produce an advanced Branched Chain Amino Acid. BCAAs are heavily absorbed within skeletal muscle and help regulate cell growth, blunt muscle breakdown (catabolism) from strenuous exercise and encourage muscle recovery and growth. HOWEVER, there was a small caveat; we wanted a product that did so without having to tediously watch the clock and consume multiple capsule or powder doses. We wanted an all-in-one type product in an easy to carry and consume format. Sound good? We thought so too.



    One mechanism by which BCAAs reduce fatigue and increase endurance is by lowering serotonin and dopamine levels within the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for relaxation and content, and dopamine is a catecholamine that can produce the same effects. The aromatic amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine are prominently involved in serotonin and dopamine production. BCAAs just so happen to compete for the same brain receptor sites as these aforementioned amino acids. The more BCAAs you consume, the less your body will absorb of these aromatic amino acids and the less fatigue you will experience. This is also one reason BCAAs are best absorbed not taken with protein, as it contains tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine. BCAAs also prevent muscle breakdown as they provide a usable substrate for fuel. Through a process called gluconeogenisis, your liver can create glucose from branched chain amino acids to fuel your body’s needs, as opposed to catabolizing (breaking down) hard earned muscle to satisfy the deficit. Studies have also shown BCAAs can lead to actual muscle growth via an increase Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS), largely due to the leucine content of BCAAs increasing mTor, which regulates cell growth.


    BCAAXR contains two uniquely colored beadlets within each plant capsule. Utilizing pharmaceutical coating technology, one color begins breaking down for absorption immediately upon consumption, but the other is enteric coated to avoid immediate breakdown, thus surviving the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach for 60 minutes (approximately the duration of intense exercise). At this time, it begins releasing the branched chain amino acids into your bloodstream for muscle delivery.


    Purus Labs remains at the forefront of the industry, once again pushing the envelope of sports nutrition with the release of BCAAXR. Scale the number of capsules to achieve your desired BCAA dosage, and simply throw them back before you workout. It’s that simple…well, it is now, thanks to us.

    *for more information on essential amino acids and their role in your training regimen, see our product page for AminO.D.


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