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Condense™ pre workout supplement is a novel approach to pre workout performance-enhancement designed to expand performance capacity, utilizing patent-pending nutrient technology and peer-reviewed, human-validated, orally efficacious dosages, rather than merely and temporarily increase acute performance as with most short-sighted, stimulant-laden products currently on the market. Purus Labs® has revolutionized the pre workout category, once again, by actually achieving what other companies only claim: that is, eliciting extreme vasodilation through nitric oxide production. This, in turn, supports a cascade of welcomed physiologically enhancing benefits to athletes of all cloth through enhancing blood-flow, heightening substrate utilization (i.e. better nutrient absorption), preserving ATP stores, propelling oxygen delivery to myocapillaries, and reducing overall exercise oxygen cost allowing you to handle greater workloads (e.g. more weight) and exercise longer before exhausti


  • Inorganic nitrate found in beets, spinach, etc…proliferates nitric oxide through a novel biological pathway, nitrate>nitrite>nitric oxide, converted through entero-salivary circulation as opposed to the more traditionally known arginine>NO synthase>nitric oxide pathway. Although nitrate, as related to exercise performance, is still in its infancy, the results on performance parameters are nothing short of salivary (pun intended)!

    Nitrate has been shown to be a powerful aerobic and anaerobic ergogenic aid by reducing the oxygen cost of exercise, translating into lower perceived exertion and/or a greater maximal workload capacity. Astonishingly, the increased work comes without an accompanying increase in blood-lactate, meaning your muscles actually become more energetically efficient. This increase in mitochondrial efficiency (P/O ratio) is due to the reduced cost of ATP (muscular currency) to produce muscular force.


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