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The weight loss/thermogenic category has been stagnant and lacking ingenuity for quite some time. With an overwhelming percentage of our population being overweight, and an even larger percentage whom would still like to shed a few pounds, the case should be quite the contrary. Compound this with the fact that it boasts one of the industry’s largest market categories by consumer demand, and you can see the clear need for attention and innovation.

RATIONALE FOR CREATION The weight loss/thermogen


    TeaCrine® (theacrine) is a nature-identical compound found in certain botanical sources that has been shown to act on dopaminergic, adenosinergic and other neurochemical pathways that make it uniquely different than caffeine. By strategically and favorably manipulating these pathways, TheaTrim supports enhanced energy, improved concentration, and reductions in fatigue. Although structurally similar to caffeine, preliminary evidence suggests less tendency for tolerance or habituation; therefore, your body is less likely become desensitized over time. Dicaffeine malate & Caffeine anhydrous are also included for the famed effects on alertness, energy, and appetite suppression.



    Included for methyl group metabolism and tri-monoamine modulation; in other words, they help support an overall better sense of well-being through neurochemical involvement with norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin.


    Specifically included for CYP450 inhibition, an endogenous protein designed to oxidize (break down) certain substances such as caffeine. By blunting this, we can increase and extend the active life of these molecules.

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