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All Natural Ultra Concentrated Thermogenic Fat Burner

Elevates Energy

Increases Fat Loss

Supports Appetite Control

Shred Her

  • What type of supplement is Shred Her and what are its benefits?


    Shred Her is a natural thermogenic that I LOVE taking before workouts. I love that it gives me extra heat during my cardio and lifting sessions. I can be in the middle of a workout and catch myself wondering why I’m sweating so much and feeling like I’m just totally kicking butt.* Then, I realize that I took 1-2 Shred Her capsules Shred Her is light enough to take a little later in the afternoon (test your tolerance to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your ability to fall asleep) and I usually take 1-3 during a day. I don’t like my body adapting to them (or any supplement, really), so I follow a 2-3 days on Shred Her followed by 1-2 days off pattern. On the days I take Shred Her, it’s usually 1-2 in the morning and one more in the afternoon. I try to take them before workouts, but taking them on my off days feels great, too.


    How can Shred Her help you achieve your fitness goals?


    Shred Her helps you achieve your fitness goals by turning up your body’s natural temperature, helping along with burning fat and keeping you lean. It’s all natural and pretty mellow, making it easy to take consistently and for long periods of time safely.*

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